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12 Kinds of effects and side effects of resveratrol

July 13, 2019

Please be careful of these 5 Contraindication when you take Resveratrol.

Resveratrol  Safety precautions (5 Contraindication when you take Resveratrol)
1. Do not use for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children, and people with liver and kidney dysfunction (because the relevant safety is unknown)

2. It may have anticoagulant effect, so do not take it with related anticoagulant drugs, antiplatelet drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), common drug names are: aspirin (aspirin), clopidogrel (clopidogrel), diclofenac (diclofenac), ibuprofen (ibuprofen), naproxen (naproxen), dalteparin (dalteparin), enoxaparin (enoxaparin), heparin (heparin), warfarin (warfarin). Note 17

3. Resveratrol may interfere with the enzymes related to metabolizing drugs in the liver (such as cytochrome P450, CYP1A2), which in turn affects the effects of many common drugs, and may cause unknown risks to those taking the drug. Therefore, it should be avoided in combination with drugs or herbs, or before use Consult a qualified doctor or pharmacist first

4. May have mild estrogenic activity (found in animal studies, but not confirmed in human studies) (Note 16). For safety reasons, people with estrogen-sensitive diseases (such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, intrauterine cancer) Membranosis or uterine fibroids) should be avoided

5. Stop using resveratrol at least 2 weeks before surgery (because it may have anticoagulant effects)

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What are the empirical effects (benefits) of resveratrol?
1. Resveratrol is beneficial for blood pressure regulation
2. Resveratrol is good for memory and cognitive performance
3. Resveratrol is good for bone health
4. Resveratrol is good for cardiovascular health
5. Resveratrol improves hyperlipidemia
6. Resveratrol helps weight loss
7. Resveratrol regulates blood sugar and is beneficial to diabetics
8. Resveratrol improves non-alcoholic fatty liver
9. Resveratrol can fight cancer
10. Resveratrol is beneficial for age-related macular degeneration
11. Resveratrol extends animal life
12. Resveratrol is beneficial for ulcerative colitis
What are the side effects of resveratrol?

1. Resveratrol is beneficial for blood pressure regulation

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis (including 17 randomized controlled clinical trials with a total of 681 participants) pointed out that resveratrol has a beneficial effect on lowering systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure and pulse pressure , But not significant, and no related effects on diastolic blood pressure were observed.

In addition, subgroup analysis shows that the related blood pressure improvement effect is most significant in subjects with daily doses ≥300 mg or diabetes patients

2. Resveratrol is good for memory and cognitive performance

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis (including 4 randomized controlled trials with a total of 226 participants) pointed out that resveratrol supplementation has no significant effect on memory and cognitive ability (evaluated by auditory language learning tests, Including learning ability, delayed recall, memory and recognition). Note 1

3. Resveratrol is good for bone health

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis (including 6 randomized controlled trials with a total of 264 participants) pointed out that compared with placebo treatment, resveratrol supplementation can significantly improve serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) ) And bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) values, but serum calcium, osteocalcin (osteocalcin), type 1 collagen c-terminal terminal peptide (ICTP) and type 1 procollagen N-terminal front win chain (P1NP) There is no significant improvement. Note 2

4. Resveratrol is good for cardiovascular health

A pooled analysis (including 21 randomized controlled trials with 681 overweight or obese participants) pointed out that resveratrol supplementation can significantly reduce total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and fasting blood glucose

In addition, subgroup analysis showed that the related effects of reducing total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, glucose and insulin were particularly significant in subjects who took higher doses of resveratrol (daily dose ≥300 mg)

5. Resveratrol improves hyperlipidemia

In general, the characteristics of genetic syndrome include very high cholesterol levels (> 300 mg/dL) and triglyceride levels (> 500 mg/dL), skin xanthomas, family history or lipid lowering at the maximum therapeutic dose The agent lacks the expected response.

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis (including 21 randomized controlled trials with 949 adults) pointed out that the use of resveratrol did not significantly improve blood lipid-related values (such as total cholesterol, high and low levels). Density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides). Note 4

6. Resveratrol helps weight loss

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis (including 28 randomized controlled trials with 1,514 participants) pointed out that oral resveratrol (median dose: 300 mg, median duration 12 weeks) Helps reduce body weight (weight, WMD: -0.51 kg) body mass index (BMI, WMD: -0.17 kg m2) and waist circumference (WMD: -0.79 cm), but not for body fat (fat mass) Significant improvement. Note 5

In addition, a subgroup analysis (subgroup-analysis) further found that the related weight reduction and body mass index effects are particularly significant for daily doses <500 mg, long-term intervention (≥3 months) and obese patients

7. Resveratrol regulates blood sugar and is beneficial to diabetics

A systematic literature review and integrated analysis (Meta-analysis, including 9 randomized controlled trials with 283 participants) pointed out that supplementation of resveratrol can improve fasting blood glucose (-0.29 mmol/l) and insulin resistance in diabetic patients Index and insulin level (-0.64 U/mL). Note 6

In addition, subgroup analysis showed that the daily dose of resveratrol greater than 100 mg has the most significant effect on reducing fasting blood glucose.

The underlying mechanism may be related to resveratrol activation of “histone deacetylase SIRT1” and “AMP-activated protein kinase” (AMP-activated protein kinase)

8. Resveratrol improves non-alcoholic fatty liver

Resveratrol is regarded as a savior against fatty liver because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and mimic calorie restriction-like effects (Calorie restriction-like effects)

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis (including 4 clinical trials, 158 participants) pointed out that resveratrol does not have any positive effects on liver fibrosis and fatty liver-related disease parameters (such as AST, ALT) , That is, the evidence is still insufficient. Note 7

9. Resveratrol can fight cancer

A systematic review pointed out that, based on available in vitro and in vivo studies, it was found that resveratrol can promote apoptosis, anti-proliferation and anti-inflammatory effects on cancer cells, and can act as an anti-inflammatory agent. A sensitizer for cancer drugs to enhance the effectiveness of anti-cancer treatment. Note 8

10. Resveratrol is beneficial for age-related macular degeneration

A preliminary study found that resveratrol can inhibit the vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF to slow down choroidal neovascularization (triggered by the inflammatory hormone TGF-β or tissue hypoxia), and may improve the disease process of macular degeneration. Note 9

In addition, other small studies have also found that resveratrol (after taking 1 hour) helps increase choroidal thickness (increases blood flow and slows down the chance of macular degeneration) (compared to the placebo group). Note 10

11. Resveratrol extends animal life

12. Resveratrol is beneficial for ulcerative colitis

A double-blind controlled study (6 weeks, 56 patients with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis) found that taking resveratrol (500 mg daily) in addition to help reduce malondialdehyde (MDA, biological The higher the concentration of products attacked by free radicals, the greater the oxidative pressure), and can also increase the body’s total antioxidant capacity and the concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD, a type of antioxidant). Note 14

In addition, the disease activity and quality of life of the resveratrol treatment group were also significantly improved (compared to the placebo control group)

Overview of resveratrol

What is resveratrol?Resveratrol is an antiviral secreted by plants. It exists in more than 300 edible plants (commonly: grapes, blueberries, cranberries, peanuts, cocoa, etc.), and is used to combat trauma, bacteria, infections, ultraviolet rays, etc. The pressure of the external environment can be said to be the patron saint of plants.

Why is Resveratrol so popular?

Resveratrol is famous all over the world because of a French Paradox (French Paradox) in the 1990s. At that time, it was believed that the French people who were addicted to high-fat foods were not prone to cardiovascular disease because they often The red wine I drink contains resveratrol

Since then, resveratrol has been continuously discovered for its potential health benefits, including anti-aging, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-dementia… etc.

Who should not take resveratrol?

If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use resveratrol. Surgery: Resveratrol might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using resveratrol at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

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