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Double-blind enrollment NMN clinical phase 3

March 14, 2021

The world’s first NMN clinical phase 3 is released: NMN can greatly accelerate the recovery speed of patients with COVID-19, enhance their physical fitness, and 304 random double-blind enrollment.

At the beginning of the covid-19,An Iranian research team inferred from the fact that the new coronavirus infection can cause DNA damage and consume a large amount of NAD+: timely supplement of NAD+ can effectively prevent or even treat the new crown.


If this is just a conjecture, in April 2020, the first patient who was treated with NMN cocktail therapy recovered and provided a human case for this conjecture. With this as a sign of exploring NMN substances and the new crown, the scientific community has more and more theoretical studies and experiments on NAD+ supplements represented by NMN components to deal with the new crown. “New crown pneumonia is an aging disease” seems to have gradually become a global academic General knowledge of the world.

Finally, in February of this year, the world’s first large-scale human clinical trial of NMN with 304 people for the treatment of patients with new crowns was released, fully confirming its efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19 and anti-aging!

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Double-blind enrollment NMN clinical phase 3

On February 20, 2021, a number of top academic institutions such as the Royal Institute of Technology in Switzerland and King’s College London, jointly announced the world’s first large-scale human clinical phase 3 trial results of the “anti-aging drug” NMN substance nicotinamide ribose.

Data shows that a cocktail set consisting of NAD+ precursors and several other substances can increase the recovery speed of patients with covid-19 by 40%. The vast majority of patients with new coronary pneumonia treated with NAD+ can recover and be discharged in just 5 days.


In addition, after these patients recovered, the alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatinine, and lactate dehydrogenase in the body showed a significant decrease, indicating that the NAD+ cocktail greatly improved the functions of the patients’ liver, heart, kidney and other key organs. The improvement of a series of aging-related indicators such as blood sugar, C-reactive protein, and IL-6 suggests that there are signs of “rejuvenation” in the patient’s body.

Although this is currently the only phase 3 human clinical evidence of NAD+ supplements, the rigorous randomized double-blind placebo control design of the study, coupled with the huge sample size of 304 people, has enabled the positive benefits of NAD+ substances on the human body. The credibility and the extremely high level of evidence that cannot be underestimated. It is reported that Li Ka-shing, who has just returned to the top of the Hong Kong rich list recently, is taking the same NAD+ supplement used in the long-term study.

Double-blind enrollment NMN clinical phase 3

The theory that “COVID-19 is an aging-related disease” is gradually becoming a general knowledge in the global academic community. As early as the end of 2020, the “Medical Bible” “The Lancet” began to call on medical institutions to use anti-aging substances to treat new coronary pneumonia. It seems that NMN substances will be the first winner in this “clinical competition” of anti-aging substances.


“Anti-aging drugs” NMN substances have been criticized for lack of solid and credible human body data. However, with the end of this large-scale human phase 3 clinical trial, the positive effects of NMN substances on human health have finally been fully supported by data. . Although this experiment is currently the only phase 3 human clinical study of NAD+ supplements, this indisputable and excellent data will inevitably lead to a blowout development of human trials of NMN substances.

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