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NMN has a positive effect on lengthening telomeres

May 5, 2021

Does meditation help restore telomeres? NMN has a positive effect on lengthening telomeres.

As we all know, telomeres are closely related to aging. As the “protective cap” at both ends of the chromosome, telomeres can protect DNA. In the process of cell division, telomeres will shorten to a certain length. When telomeres are exhausted, the cells will enter a state of aging, leading to the decline of body functions, which is our common aging. Therefore, maintaining the length of telomeres is of great significance to help people achieve the goal of healthy and longevity.










In recent years, many scientific studies have found that meditation can help restore telomeres. The most representative one is the experiment of the famous scientist Elizabeth H. Blackburn. She concentrated volunteers in a rehabilitation center in North Colorado, USA for meditation training. After three months, the telomere length of these volunteers was 30% higher than that of volunteers who did not participate in meditation. From this experiment, we can know that meditation has a positive effect on the protection of telomeres to a certain extent.


In recent years, the hot anti-aging technology substance NMN has also shown positive effects in protecting telomeres. Scientific experiments have shown that supplementation of NAD+ precursor material NMN can improve mitochondrial problems caused by short telomeres, and directly delay the shortening speed of telomeres in cells. The principle is that too short telomeres will lead to insufficient NAD+, which in turn will trigger cell senescence. The timely supplement of NAD+ can reduce the “stress” of telomeres, thereby slowing down the speed of their shortening. As a precursor supplement, NMN showed a positive effect in this experiment. NMN nicotinamide mononucleotide Powder Supplier 


This study also links NAD+ and telomeres, two key substances that affect aging, and is a major advancement in scientific anti-aging research. Since being recognized as the most effective precursor of NAD+,  Superaws.com has often been used as the first choice for anti-aging research and applied to research experiments on various aging states. And NMN has also proven to people time and time again that it has a significant role in improving the aging state and restoring biological body functions. With the efforts of the scientific community, NMN has quickly achieved industrial development and has become a nutritious and healthy product sought after by consumers.

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