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Feedback of Resveratrol Supplement

November 30, 2019

Customer Reviews On Resveratrol Supplement

Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2019

I’ve been researching Resveratrol supplements for some time on the back of the aging research done by Professor David Sinclair at Harvard. A few things worth noting to buyers here, with regards to the type of Resveratrol that has the most impact on longevity and things to look for:

(1) Trans-Resveratrol is the preferred form of Resveratrol (not cis-resveratrol)
(2) Resveratrol that is brown-colored implies that it has been exposed to light and is thus less potent and won’t work. You must store your resveratrol away from light and in cool temperature.
(3) Professor Sinclair takes between 0.5-1.0 grams of Resveratrol per day – however there are no issues with skipping days.
(4) Resveratrol is a fairly insoluble molecule, as such to increase exposure one should consume it with a moderate amount of fat (yogurt will do).
I’ve purchased other brands of Resveratrol on Amazon which came with brown pills. This was a waste of money. Toniiq was the only brand that came white. Moreover, I requested proof of purity from them, and received the attached certificate of analysis, which confirms their 98% purity claim stated here.

Personally, I take 0.9 grams of Resveratrol (3 capsules) per day, and open the capsules into yogurt to ensure it is digested with fat. I’ve taken a baseline blood work prior to starting on Toniiq’s Resveratrol (which I recommend everyone does) and will report back after 3 months to highlight impact.

For the latest research on Resveratrol I highly encourage you to watch Professor David Sinclair’s interview with Rhonda Patrick on YouTube.

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