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100% Natural Vitamin C Acerola Cherry Extract Powder Supplier

March 24, 2020

Antioxidant Vitamin C Powder Acerola Cherry Extract

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Where to buy Acerola Cherry Extract Powder ?,
Why people buy Acerola Cherry Extract Powder ?

What’s Acerola Extract?

Acerola Cherry Extract comes from the acerola, a wild plant grown in tropical and subtropical regions like Mexico,Central America, and South America. Acerola Cherry Extract boasts remarkable levels of vitamin C. It also contains vitamin A, thiamine,riboflavine, niacin, carotenoids and bioflavonoids.
Product Description
Product Name
Acerola Extract
Botanical Source
Malpighia glabra
Active Ingredient
Vitamin C
Test Method
Pink Fine Powder
Particle Size
98% pass 80 mesh
Shelf Life
24 Months properly stored.

Function of Acerola Extract

Acerola Cherry Extract Enhanced immune function.
Acerola Cherry Extract Improved skin health.
Acerola Cherry Extract Anti-ageing benefits.
Acerola Cherry Extract Strong antioxidant activity.
Acerola Cherry Extract Cardiovascular function.
Acerola Cherry Extract Seasonal allergies.
Acerola Cherry Extract Healthy metabolism and weight loss.
Acerola Cherry Extract Improved energy levels.

Acerola Cherry Extract Decreased symptoms and severity of the common cold.
Acerola’s health benefits are mostly due to its richness in vitamin C. The more the fruit ripens, the more vitamin C is lost — and acerola ripens very quickly.In a study of various vitamin C-containing fruits and their relative amounts, acerola outperformed all the rest, especially when grown organically. The fruit has reportedly higher amounts of vitamin C than even oranges and strawberries, and it’s only outdone by rosehips. The berry was also found to be a very significant source of vitamin A.Vitamin C is a required nutrient and water-soluble vitamin and is not stored in the body, so you need to take a source of water-soluble vitamins in daily. Along with vitamin A, vitamin C is a known antioxidant, helping prevent free radical damage and certain illnesses. Recent studies affirm that acerola is quite antioxidant-rich.

Vitamin C also builds collagen, protects mucus membranes, and prevents scurvy. Vitamin C is important to keep the immune system functioning and help the body fight infections, viruses, and even cancer. While more research is needed, one study demonstrated that in the laboratory, cherries high in antioxidants and vitamin C had the ability to assist the body in stopping the growth of colon cancer.

Of all the research on acerola cherry, the studies that focus on vitamin C are the most thorough. This confirms its place as an all-natural vitamin C supplement, which may be used for cold and flu support. As for its other health benefits, more research is needed.

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