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NMN anti-aging: help improve the quality of life of the elderly

March 12, 2021

NMN anti-aging: help improve the quality of life of the elderly, there is more we can do

In the previous news, “A 94-year-old man was picked up for facial recognition for a social security card”, and then “An old man was refused cash when paying for medical insurance in the rain. It is recommended to pay online”, another recent news, more frequently The news about the frustration of the elderly in the digital and information society has once again aroused the attention of the society and people to the old age of the elderly.

With the development of life science and technology and the advancement of human medical and health standards, the average life expectancy of human beings has been greatly improved, which is an excellent thing. However, while the death rate of the population has decreased, the birth rate of the population has also generally decreased, and even some countries have shown a negative growth trend, which makes the world generally enter an aging society. China is the country with the largest elderly population in the world. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of elderly population in my country has reached 255 million, and this number is still growing rapidly. It is expected to increase to 300 million during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. people.










According to the “Statistical Report on the Development of the Internet in China” released this year, about three-quarters of the elderly in China have not been exposed to the Internet, close to 200 million people. And in today’s mainstream society where “QR codes are everywhere” technology servicing is the mainstream, the elderly are undoubtedly very embarrassed, they seem to be “digital refugees.”


Although, under the attention of the state and the advocacy of public opinion, various “special treatment services” for the elderly have been opened one after another, but this method only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. In fact, the elderly can also enjoy various services brought about by technological progress by mastering smartphones, helping to improve the quality of life in their later years.

Of course, this method is not unknown, and even many people do it, but it is really difficult to teach the elderly to master electronic products such as smart phones. So why can’t the elderly have a good grasp of electronic technology products such as smart phones? Mainly because its related cognitive ability degrades with age.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide Powder Supplier,Nmn Source, Can Nmn reverse aging?

The famous American psychologist Cartel divides human intelligence into “fluid intelligence” and “crystal intelligence”. Fluid intelligence is the ability that is closely related to the functions of the nervous system, such as memory capacity, reaction speed, anti-interference ability, etc.; crystal intelligence is the experience that gradually accumulates with experience, such as reading comprehension ability, vocabulary use ability, and using experience to make decision-making judgments Ability. Crystal intelligence can remain stable for a long time, even after entering old age for a long time, it still does not change, but fluid intelligence is prone to fluctuate due to changes in age, and it will go downhill when it is far from entering old age (about 30 years old) .


30 years old, is this number quite familiar? Yes, human aging has generally accelerated since the age of 30. Combining relevant knowledge, we can know that it is because the human body’s NAD+ level declines as people age, resulting in insufficient synthesis of DNA repair enzymes and longevity proteins, as well as decreased activity, which affects the human nervous system and makes people’s cognition Decreased ability, or even severe cases, can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.


Therefore, the popularization of NMN products can be regarded as an important measure to improve the quality of life of the elderly. Exogenous supplementation of NMN can help increase the NAD+ content in the human body, including the brain, so that DNA repair enzymes and longevity proteins can function normally, help repair atrophy of nerves and synaptic networks, enhance neural communication, and delay brain function decline. Simply put, it is to help restore the cognitive ability of the elderly, improve and prevent neurodegenerative problems.


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