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    Flocos SLMI ( Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio) grande venda EUA, Canadá, Austrália,França, Suíça

    Cocoil isotionato de sódio (SCI) & Flocos SLMI ( Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio)

    In the past, sodium cocoyl isethionate (SCI) was the main raw material used to make soap, shower gel, and bath liquids.

    Contudo, SCI has low solubility in water and is difficult to dissolve in water at room temperature, which means it is not flexible enough for most applications.
    As an improved product, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate (SLMI) solves the problem very well. SLMI is easily soluble in water at room temperature, and its other properties are better than SCI.
    O que é Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio?
    Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio is nearly salt-free and resistant to hard and saltwater with high foaming properties. É compatível com sabão e confere excelente dispersibilidade ao sabão de cal para retardar a formação de espuma nos sabonetes em barra.
    Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio tem solubilidade limitada em água mole e dura. It is stable in formulations at near-neutral pH and room temperature for extended periods of time but will gradually hydrolyze at elevated temperatures.
    1. O lauroil metil isetionato de sódio tem boas propriedades de espuma e detergência, a good affinity for human skin. Pode ser utilizado em formulações de cosméticos e detergentes. Muitas vezes é misturado com sabão para fazer sabão sintético.
    2. O lauroil metil isetionato de sódio produz espuma rica em diferentes produtos à base de surfactantes, tornando a espuma delicada e brilhante, e pode ser empilhado para sempre;
    3. Sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate reduces the irritation of products in the formulation of cleaning products such as shampoos and shower gels;
    4. Sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate has very low water solubility in cold water, pode ser formulado como shampoo cremoso de reologia curta, creme de banho de espuma e outros produtos de limpeza; Pode ser usado com ânions, zwitterions, não-íons, a maioria dos cátions; pode ser usado com ácidos graxos como doze, quatorze, dezesseis, e ácido octadecanóico para reduzir o pH dos sabonetes e aumentar a estabilidade;

    What is the pH of sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate? PH range : 4.5 para 8.5
    Besides its excellent water solubility and long-lasting foam, este ingrediente é um surfactante incrivelmente suave, making it suitable even for sensitive skin; Not to be confused with similar-sounding sodium lauryl sulfate, it is a natural product, pH stable (a partir de 4.5 para 8.5)

    Is sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate safe in shampoo?
    With an EWG score of 1, Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate is deemed to be very safe, non-toxic, a non irritant, and is biodegradable.

    Is sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate safe for keratin?
    sim, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate is considered safe for keratin treated hair.

    Advantage of Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate

    Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate is a mild surfactant specifically designed for use in personal cleansing products. It has the advantages of strong cleaning ability, rich foam and smooth skin after washing.

    1.Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate is a high foaming product that provides a dense, creamy lather or formulations.

    2.Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate is nearly salt-free and resistant to hard and salt water with high foaming properties. É compatível com sabão e confere excelente dispersibilidade ao sabão de cal para retardar a formação de espuma nos sabonetes em barra

    3.Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate has limited solubility in soft and hard water. It is stable in formulations at near-neutral PH and room temperature for extended periods of time but will gradually hydrolyse at elevated temperatures.

    4.Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate can be used in syndet bars and liquid systems such as shampoos, bodywashes an bubble baths.

    In Conclusion:

    Not to be confused with similar sounding sulfates such as sodium lauryl sulfate, Sodium Laurel Methyl Isethionate has been found to be both mild and effective. With an excellent rating from the Environmental Working group, it has also been given a ‘no health concern’ rating from GoodGuide, where it does not appear on any of their lists of toxic chemicals.

    Purchase Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate SLMI flakes from China

    SLMI Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio

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