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Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio para Shampoos

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Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio

Lauroil Metil Isetionato de Sódio para Shampoos: Um suave, Surfactante Sem Sulfato

Learn about Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate (SLMI), a gentle, surfactante sem sulfato para xampus. Discover the benefits of using SLMI, how to use it, and where to find reliable suppliers.Sodium Lauroyl Methyl Isethionate, SLMI, surfactante sem sulfato, □ Gentil, xampu, cleansing, óleo de côco, methyl isethionate, biodegradável, sustainable, formulators, suppliers, prices.

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